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Installing Hadoop and Hbase in windows 7

Hbase in Microsoft HDInsights - Configuration Document

Most of the people think that Hadoop/Hbase can be installed only in linux box. There may be a scenario in which you may have to install Hadoop and Hbase in windows. There is a Microsoft HDinsight which will help you to install hadoop in windows machine and it is fully functional for single node.

  1.  Download the Microsoft HDInsight Developer preview from

  1. Click on the downloaded exe(HDINSIGHT-PREVIEW.exe). You will see the window below

  1. Click on Install

  1. Click on I accept

  2. You will be seeing the below screen

  1. Click on Finish. Then open the browser and enter http://hostname:50070 where hostname is your hostname. (Ex. http://localhost:50070 )Then you will see the hdfs Namenode webui

  1. Open the browser and enter http://hostname:50030 where hostname is your hostname. (Ex. http://localhost:50030)Then you will see the Jobtracker webui

  1. You can test whether hdfs is working fine by issuing simple put statement then ls command.

  1. Installing the Hbase. Download the hbase 0.94.8(latest stable version as on 05-06-2013) from
  2. Extract the compressed file into c:\Hadoop directory.
  3. Then navigate to C:\Hadoop\hbase-0.94.8\conf
  4. Copy the batch file(hbase-env.cmd) and paste it in C:\Hadoop\hbase-0.94.8\conf. Batch files are present in the zip.
  5. Add the basic properties in hbase-site.xml. Replace the hostname with the actual hostname.
  1. Copy the batch files(hbase.cmd, hbase-config.cmd, start-hbase.cmd, stop-hbase.cmd) to C:\Hadoop\hbase-0.94.8\bin. The above batch files are provided in the zip.
  2. Start the hbase by double click on start-hbase.cmd(C:\Hadoop\hbase-0.94.8\bin)
  3. Check hbase is working by issuing hbase hbck

  1. Enter into hbase shell

  1. Create tables and insert and retrieve the records in hbase

Note: This Microst HDInsights Developer Preview version which will work in single node(Ref:

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